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Hong Kong & Shanghai Tours
29 août 2013

Ferguson Road, new Greenwich Village in Shanghai?

Ferguson Road, new Greenwich Village in Shanghai?
Version française Like many parts of “Frenchtown”, Ferguson Road (today’s Wukang Lu) combines the charm of plane trees and European-style villas to provide a calming balm releasing visitors from the stress of the Shanghai urban jungle. May be because...
28 août 2013

La route Ferguson, le Greenwich village de Shanghai?

La route Ferguson, le Greenwich village de Shanghai?
English version Comme beaucoup d’endroits dans l’ancienne “Frenchtown”, la route Ferguson (aujourd’hui Wukang Lu), par le charme combiné des platanes et des villas de style européen agit sur le promeneur comme un baume apaisant dans la jungle shanghaïenne....
3 août 2013

The Auxion de Ruffé Affair - Part 3

The Auxion de Ruffé Affair - Part 3
Version Française Previous page The Blue Shirts of General Chiang Since 1938 already, the Society of Blue Shirts (Lan Yi She), a facist group created by Chiang Kai Shek and the Military and Statistics Bureau (JunTong), his secret services headed by General...
Hong Kong & Shanghai Tours
Hong Kong & Shanghai Tours
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